Tuesday, February 28, 2023

penny press word seeks

 a big part of the day was filled with word finds. there was an extra copy of a penny press word seek i bought more than a year go i hadn't worked on in a while. i have been buying them every two months as they have had a charlie brown theme. some of the themes of the word finds do interest me, most recently it was one about famous aviators called 'pilot program'. i am also doing online surveys in the morning. when i have enough for airline miles for the month on one, i go to the other. it took longer this month because some surveys give nothing if one doesn't qualify. so i am more likely to skip those when they let you know in advance. and the mount for a survey given if not qualified went down, to 20 cents, it had been 25. so i am more likely to do surveys every day when this is the case, previously i was fine with skipping a day here and there if i was tired after work. there is also the recurring unanswered email going to the junk folder. this one said 'trying one last time'. when my name is there and not just the email, it did lead to more than just hit delete and not read, which is what i do with most in that folder. something like four times i have been asked if i am interested in chatting about franchise ownership, i am not. when i tried to unsubscribe the screen didn't look right to me. as i recall there was mention of finding me on linked-in. i haven't updated my profile in a while there, and i rarely chat with anyone on that site. sometimes i would get emails from that site inviting me to connect with an ex-coworker. except i don't miss most of my ex-coworkers. 

as expected, day 5 of being on leave wasn't much fun for me. i called the clinic in the morning and i didn't like how i was advised to try something that would no longer be helpful. in the afternoon i called my boss, said i have another appointment at a walgreen scheduled. what i didn't like was how i could hear my boss asking someone else the same question about work that i had already answered. during a walk in the evening i found 25 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when we meet ramona, who is helping sheldon be more productive but is keeping him from his friends, hence playing the song 'be my yoko ono'. it was followed by the one where penny had a partner in a class, but leonard is jealous of him. then alex hits on leonard but he doesn't take it seriously.

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