Friday, February 24, 2023

tow-truck for a semi

 in the morning i went out to move my car for the snow ordinance. i knew it would take some time to shovel around it to get it out, so i didn't turn on the car right away. as usual, i am aware of how i don't use that big shovel too often. but i am thankful i have it whenever it is needed. in the early evening i went out to move my car again, and this is when i saw a tow truck for a semi. there are signs nearby saying 'no parking for commercial vehicles' but some do anyway. i not only got a picture of my snow-covered car in the morning, but also two of the tow truck and the semi. i drove a few miles to the gas station in the morning and then it was into my parking spot for the day. there were no calls to or form work, nothing for me to call about. clinic was closed when i tried to call, was trying to confirm the recommendation as to what day to re-test. after this i scheduled for sunday morning. there was a text from the branch manager saying the branch was closed for the day. i saw an email saying the branches at the credit union i have the car loan with would be opening late. proof of how each place is different with how they are handling the winter weather. i read some more in the book i re-started this week, 25 pages, there are about 30 left. 

another way i stayed occupied on day 3 of being on leave was listening to a lecture on zoom in the afternoon, from the american historical association. it was a 'book talk' with the author himself, an instructor at the u. of texas. there was also a moderator, as well as two other instructors who had read the book. it was about 'america's unfinished fight for democracy', trying to tie things back to the civil war of over a century ago. i was agreeing with the commentators, one of them from st. olaf, who were pointing out the flaws in the book. the author said he was writing for his students, well i am not one of them. so it sounded like he was writing for too narrow of an audience. but as a graduate of the u. of iowa, i am familiar with the old adage about college instructors: 'publish or perish'. i did take three pages of notes so there are some things that were mentioned where i can look them up and learn something from it. 

another thing of note was, as a baseball fan, seeing more spring training news from the regular email i get from MLB. there was mention of justin verlander, the only active pitcher close to reaching 300 wins, currently just under 250. it made me wonder about clayton kershaw, but he is just under 200 wins, same as adam wainwright. i am aware of how the most recent 300-game winner was randy johnson, and the 'big unit' made it with just over 300, at 303, and retired 13 years ago. there are various factors i am aware of as to why fewer pitchers reach this plateau now, although 18 of the 19 in the 3,000 strikeout club have reached that feat since the 1970s. 24 members in the 300-win club, and 10 of them added since 1982. during my walks i found 75 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when raj did a photo shoot for people magazine. it was followed by the one where sheldon and leonard use a 'chess clock' because the two weren't on the same page. leonard re-wrote penny's paper for a history class, she rejects it but then has bernadette and amy write it for her. sheldon is afraid of why steve hawking hadn't played in a while in their scrabble game. 

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