Saturday, February 18, 2023

ty squish-a-boo

 i went to hy-vee in eagan for my weekly grocery order and saw some kids hugging stuffed animals. later on i found a display called 'ty squish-a-boo'. this was likely what they had. so i got a picture of the display. i saw some things likely left over from the super bowl as well. there was a snickers display in the shape of a goalpost. and near it was a big m and m holding up some candy. i did find some valentines candy there, but not a lot. i bought three pieces of russell stover. and a box of chocolate cheerios, with 15 little packs inside. i still plan on eating it like breakfast cereal. the cheerios wasn't discounted though. at work there was a spike in volume on a check file waiting for me in the morning. some days it is just over a hundred, but this time it was nearly two thousand. in spite of this, i still got nearly a thousand california tax forms sent through the machine, and one box is empty. so we are moving right along with the special project. near the end of the day the copier kept jamming when trying to print overnight labels so i decided to send them to a check printer instead. because i just wanted to get out of there. before i went for my grocery order i went to the liquor store near me and got a can of michelob, so now there are four beers waiting. later in the evening i went on a walk and found 2 dollars, mostly in quarters. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon tried to learn chinese in order to talk to a restaurant owner. leonard and penny go on a date and penny said 'the cat is alive'. it was followed by the one where howard lied to his wife, and mom, while in space. sheldon brings raj on his date with amy.

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