Tuesday, April 16, 2024

steal my sunshine, len

 recently during the nearby cleanup at work there was music playing and the first song was 'steal my sunshine' by len, a canadian band. it was a movie song, from the movie 'go', haven't seen it. this is a catchy song, a good beat to it, although it is about battling depression, evident with the lyric 'not in too deep'. also memorable for the lyric where the word 'later' is spelled out. hard to say if there is more cleanup to happen, but when iron mountain arrived the man was wondering why so many recycle bins were in the mailroom and i told him. my vacation replacement dropped in and helped out in the afternoon, mentioned being caught up with his primary duties. in the morning we were on a dial-in meeting but not sure why, it was about technical things that weren't relevant to our normal duties. i sent an i.m. saying i was leaving, and if anything changes on the check printing process for your business line, let me know. i decided this after fifteen minutes, the time allotment was a full hour. i performed in the evening, and did stories about the saints game, the circus, and the bank. later on i went on a walk and found 35 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were a season finale, when sheldon decides to run away as there was too many changes. penny kisses him on the cheek at the train station. it was followed by the one where sheldon gets a comic book and a robot after leonard and penny had a fight. 

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