Monday, May 14, 2018

tully movie

just before midday i saw the movie 'tully' at the highland theater in st. paul. it was the first screening of the day, i was just one of two people there. i have seen most movies directed by Jason Reitman, and i have enjoyed most of them, especially 'up in the air'. so this is a big reason why i saw this one as well. i continue to say how Reitman is a latter-day norman lear, as he is willing to tackle real-world issues that others aren't covering. i liked the passion that Charlize theron had for this role. most memorable was when she came unglued in response to sugar-coated words. I've been there, it was relatable. there were times when i laughed, but this was largely a serious movie. especially when the premise is an overwhelmed mother of three. in the Thursday edition of the Minneapolis paper there was an article about the controversy surrounding it. i was annoyed that one part of the article decided to print a spoiler, even though they warned people to stop reading if they didn't want to see a spoiler. i only read that part after seeing the movie, and it was and wasn't kind of a spoiler.
   there was plenty of things i did today besides see the movie. i took a long walk before it, and it netted some coins. i went to a video store liquidation sale, and bought three DVDs, a dollar each. it was 'brokedown palace', 'most dangerous man in america', and a bio-pic of joe louis, the boxer. the middle one is one i meant to see at theaters, but since it had a limited release it was harder to go see there. but i hope to find the time to see it sometime soon. i was careful as to what i bought on this visit as i didn't want to get one that i already had. so it inspired me to go through what i had and get them into 'alpha' order, and made a list. this 'gut feeling' saved me from buying one of them. now i can go back with the list in hand, will make it easier.
   shortly after the video store visit, i went to an open-mic. i spoke about various subjects, including seeing the movie and going to the video store. when i got back i watched 'the simpsons' episode, it was about them going to Denmark. and of course i did the dishes and recycle.

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