Sunday, March 13, 2022

collapsed box replaced

 there was plenty of stops i made to get chores and errand running done. the most notable had to be when i went to target and got a clear plastic storage container, to replace a box that had collapsed. i had plenty of books in this box. now i have a better idea of what books are in it. i searched for a bookcase as well, to replace one that had collapsed, but this will be tougher. since i don't want one with adjustable shelves. so there is more searching to be done. the day started with going to the dealer for an oil change for the car. then after this was done i went to the post office to pick up e-bay orders, there was five. three are outstanding, and i just placed an order for a baseball book on amazon. then it was time to watch the iowa hawkeyes play indiana in the big ten basketball tournament. it was a back and forth game of runs and iowa won 80-77. so now they will face purdue in the championship. i made it to aldi for my weekly grocery order, no problem there. when i also tried to pick up a few things at family dollar, there was a big pink sign in the window saying 'store closed'. although when i got a picture of the sign, i saw somebody inside. so hopefully this is just a temporary thing. this is why i got the container at target. during my walks i found 26 cents. there is not much left to do on sunday, one of those things is watch a redbox movie i picked up this evening. during the basketball game i also found time to respond to all of the recent birthday wishes on facebook. 

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