Thursday, March 10, 2022

robins in winter

another birthday card arrived, this one from my aunt that lives in southern iowa. there is a sticker on the back of the envelope and it is of robins in winter. this is likely it on the cards i will get, as most wishes are now being sent on facebook. a few more arrived there today, two were private messages. one from brawler, the other from the fancy comic and showing a mural. at work my vacation replacement was looking for more wires and while in the check shop decided to claim the service anniversary mailings and send them to their desks. three of the four, i was told the fourth had quit. they had been there for months due to the pandemic. i made a list of things to get done when i got home, four items in all. two were to pay bills, a third to notify the e-bay seller i had returned a postcard, and the fourth was to place a fish fry order for friday. i had to call an audible on which place as my first choice was already sold out. so i will have to try ordering early in the week for next friday. later in the evening i went on a walk and found 2 dollars 30 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when lewis black was a guest star as sheldon had a bet with howard about a field cricket. it was followed by the one where bernadette ends up in quarantine, and the friends help howard sing to her. for the evening meal i drank the can of schell's with it so now there are 2 beers waiting. 

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