Wednesday, March 16, 2022

library exhibits

 i get an email every so often from the u. of minnesota about exhibits at their library system, likely due to seeing their sherlock holmes exhibit before. in the past year i went to see their YMCA exhibit. and it sounds like there is one that interests me in the current email, about festival costumes. i have a dental appointment in may and can see it then as the exhibit runs until the end of that month. looks like they had one about the mississippi bubble that i would have liked, in late 2020, as emerson hough wrote a popular book about that subject. at work a manager i don't report to showed up for the fourth time to look around for supplies, this time it was for a docking station as he claims he has a new employee. i got cranky this time so hopefully he doesn't rattle my cage again. in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 8 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard flies a kite and tries to watch football with penny. it was followed by the one where leonard disproves a paper written by sheldon, because sheldon didn't like the attention it gave him as the discovery was by accident. i got a can of hamm's from the liquor store near work so now there are 4 beers waiting. 'the conners' had a story involving dan's friend so i liked seeing more of john goodman than typical. 

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