Thursday, March 17, 2022

tough love for machine

 at work before lunch one of the hoppers on the envelope stuffer was jamming. a colleague showed up about an unrelated issue and i spoke of it. some cleaning of the machine was done, including the air can, and it still jammed. in the afternoon i was getting ready to call for service but ran some checks first, using the hopper that was still fine. the job wouldn't auto-end without something in the other hopper, and then both were fine so i was happy about not needing to place a service call. when i sent an instant message about it to my colleague the response was 'sometimes tough love for the machine is needed'. this was funny to me. i did a one on one with my boss before this and went on record saying i wasn't comfortable with anyone looking for supplies in the check shop. still not sure when job shadowing will happen when it is still one day a week with colleagues in the office. i bought another bag of chips from the vending machine so now i am good for not just this weekend but also the next one. i didn't watch much of the college basketball tournament but it sounds like the iowa hawkeyes were bounced, by richmond. in the evening i went on a walk and found 83 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard and penny had a fight, and sheldon gets a comic book and robot. it was followed by the one where penny had her scene cut on a mark harmon show, while howard and raj talk to a mall cop. i drank the can of grain belt with the evening meal so now 3 beers are waiting. 

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