Sunday, March 20, 2022

nightmare alley movie

 this afternoon i went to see a movie, 'nightmare alley', in edina at the southdale mall. i recognized brad cooper, mary steenburgen, and david strathairn. i had seen rooney mara in at least one movie before as well. there was limited screenings, but i wanted to see it as it is up for some oscars. it is about a carnival employee that decides to venture out to new york and be a grifter of the rich and powerful. i understand there was an earlier movie version of this story, in the 1940s. there was  a body count, and i was no doubt caught off-guard when there was a gunshot in one scene. it was long, over 2 hours, but i didn't notice it that much. there were some flashbacks in it, hard to follow the meaning to the story. there was a long list of songs in the closing credits. also mentioned there was being filmed in canada, as many movies are, along with buffalo, NY. after the movie was one i looked around the mall but didn't buy anything. when asked if i wanted to buy girl scout cookies, i said i had already bought 2 boxes this season. there was plenty of movie previews, the one for a french movie interests me, called 'happening'. i watched some of the college basketball tournament but not that close. i know duke was trailing against michigan state but found a way to win so the final season for coach k continues. i took a long walk in the morning, and during my walks i found 1 dollar 60 cents. 'the simpsons' was a weird one about shoes for bart.

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