Monday, January 2, 2023

happening movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a recent purchase from amazon, 'happening'. this is the french movie about abortion when it was still illegal. i had seen 'juno' but i hadn't seen anything like this one before. i wanted to see it at theaters but it was limited release and i got lost getting to a theater showing it in the spring and decided not to attend because i was late. so it was in the back of my mind for a while and i was checking online to see if there was an affordable DVD copy. the thing i recall from looking at the listing was which version was not playable in north america, so i was paying attention about which one to get. the story is told in segments, starting with 3 weeks, referring to how long the main character had been pregnant. we do meet her partner, but only after we hear she is pregnant. besides the attempts at getting an abortion, we see her at home with her parents, as well as at school in another town apparently where she is getting ready to take exams to enter a university. she studies literature, and we hear of victor hugo at one point, also sartre. there is mention of her partner being from bordeaux, so she is likely well outside paris. i had seen plenty of french movies before where the setting is paris, but i am aware of how there is more to the nation than just its capital and largest city. she tries to hide the truth for a while, but eventually she can't. 

i chose to watch the movie today because it is shorter than the other recent purchase, 'boogie nights'. it fit my schedule better as i wanted to get to a comics brunch in eagan, which began at 12noon. i was familiar with the venue, i think it had been there before but like many things there was a hiatus due to the pandemic. and it is near the hy-vee where i often get  groceries. i knew many of the people there, including the resistable comic who was the event coordinator. this is who i said hi to before i chose a seat and got a plate. i sat near chalm-skinn and the wolf showed up later on and sat near me as well. the santa wrangler moved down to chat with me, hadn't seen this comic much lately, who spoke about studying for a real estate exam. others i recognized included louisiana as well as the ox. i got some comedy material while there, kind of expected that, and i am sure i was not alone in this department. after the brunch i went to the nearby hy-vee liquor store and got another can of schell's so now there are 4 beers waiting. i watched the end of the bears-lions game when i got back, bears were way behind by then. i was tired and laid down for a while before i finally decided to do laundry. when i was done 'the simpsons' was on where the family did an 'opal interview', of course an oprah knockoff. i got a ticket ordered for a mall of america exhibit that i will be attending in a week. i was pleased with what i got done and i have another day off to finish my list. during my walks i found 1 dollar 24 cents.

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