Thursday, January 26, 2023

utility payments

 there was three i-pay files today, which is rare. most of the checks needed for the utility payments were in the first one, which was waiting for me in the morning. i overnighted the ones with a physical address, from the first file it was four out of six. the one check from the night before was lumped together in the printing, but it was inter-office, a total of seven. two in the midday file were also part of the special project, one of those i was able to overnight as well. in the afternoon the manager showed up in the shop and asked for a windowless envelope in order to change the PO box address for one of those going regular mail. i am told the system has been corrected so it is unlikely we will have this problem going forward. not everything on the list arrived though. one utility had fifteen listings and i saw only one check matching the given amounts. so i am wondering if the others were paid by ACH. also notable about the day was one of my vacation replacements visiting the shop on his break, and spoke of having bought trail mix from the nearby dollar store. the boss is due back the next day, explaining why on one email thread asking for approval for envelopes from the supplier would wait. near the end of the day i got a physical address for a check to be overnighted from the previous day, unrelated to the special project. it had just been run through the machine, so it was near the top of the tub so it was easier to find and pull out. in the evening i went on a walk and found 39 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were part one of the final episode, the reactions to sheldon and amy winning the nobel prize. it was followed by the one where amy gets drunk in a liquor store parking lot, after playing REM's 'everybody hurts' on her harp. i like this one a lot, because not only is amy relatable with stories of struggling to make friends, it includes sheldon saying to his friends 'get your women in line' and 'you make it so'. 

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