Monday, January 9, 2023

louvre exhibit, mall of america

 in the afternoon i went to mall of america and saw the limited-run louvre exhibit. when i was getting postcards near the end of my tour i was told it was the last day, it was closing a week early. so i am thankful i made it when i did. my only real goof was going at the same time as the bears-vikings game. but the game had no impact on who made the playoffs so i didn't miss much. i recognized a few of the paintings depicted besides just the mona lisa- the ones of french kings louis 9th, and the 14th. the former was in a youtube video about the city of st. louis, missouri, and the city was named for this king. the latter had a more lifelike depiction of it besides just the tapestry version. another that caught my eye depicted a lady holding a french flag amid the chaos of men with swords and guns, it was by delacroix, an artist i hadn't heard of. having some interactive versions of some paintings was nice. i got pictures of most of the paintings, and the captions as well. i had to stop and clap near the end as i was close to the exit where i could hear the song 'roam' by the b-52s as i was close to the main part of the mall. because they clap in this song. before the exhibit i went to sonic drive-in for lunch, 4 miles west of the mall. i ate in my car and then went to the mall. in the morning i watched a DVD about yankee stadium, a companion to a book about the venue. in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 12 cents. in the morning i also went to the nearby liquor store and got a bottle of grain belt so now there are 4 beers waiting.

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