Tuesday, January 31, 2023

smartfood popcorn

 i got another small bag of smartfood popcorn from the vending machine at work and had it as a snack just before midday. i like how it is cheddar cheese flavored, and the front of the bag says it is 70 calories per cup. so what must make it smart is the lower calorie content, for the entire bag it is 160 calories. and i had some apple cider as well. the packet was the one meant for the previous day, but delayed due to the power outage. one of the nine scenarios of emergencies at the workplace is a power outage. it was a posting i saw on the wall in the check shop. i hadn't really noticed it much before. at work the notable thing was hearing from two colleagues, who were expecting checks in the second i-pay. one said she was driving in and i must have been the first stop as she still had a winter coat on. the other asked if there were any in the first run and i said i send an I.M. right away if there is anything. i don't send one of there is nothing to pick up. in both cases, these colleagues likely picked them up before seeing the I.M. saying it is there. the doorbell rang early in the day, found out it was just dropping off an inter-office envelope. so i showed them where to drop it in a tub in the mailroom, and how i pick up all that is there at the end of the day. this was somebody i didn't know, but i was told it wasn't a new employee. in the evening i went on a walk and found 36 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when leonard went on a date with penny, but said it wasn't a date. and he hit his head when under the table, trying to demonstrate a science principle. it was followed by the one where sheldon gets amy a tiara, and she loves it. another one i really like as amy said to penny, 'i'm disappointed in you but we know that won't last'. 

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