Sunday, May 23, 2021

career opportunities movie

 i watched a DVD movie this morning, a recent purchase, 'career opportunities'. i recognized john candy, and jennifer connelly, in it. i had read a recent article online about it on its 30th anniversary, so this led to my interest in it. it did have the feel of other john hughes movies, as he examines the difference between rich and poor in it. what also intrigued me was hearing how the movie takes place at a target store. it is not too often where one sees this kind of movie, where it is mostly inside just one store. it was hard to like the main character in it as he lived up to being labeled 'the town liar'. along with getting fired a lot. they do seem to cover just about every part of the store. one memorable scene was at home where one sees somebody trying to dip a chicken leg in a jar of peanut butter. it was all right but not the best john hughes movie i had seen, who wrote and produced it. 

after the movie was done i found other things to do, including going through magnets and deciding to cut up and toss some of them. i also watched some of the st. paul saints baseball game on 45-tv, saints beat indianapolis 5-4. eventually i made it around to doing laundry, and it was disappointing to have to switch to an alternate laundromat again due to the preferred one having no quarters available. for much of the day i was trading text messages with brawler, who is in town for the week. we found a place to meet at in the evening, and it was cool to catch up on things. sounds like he will be back in later in the year as well. sounds like he has a busy schedule on wanting to see people while in town, so i was pleased he found time for me. it is nice to do things with comics away from the clubs, can say this about some but not too many. after getting back i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 7 cents. so along with the change left over from doing laundry, i have reached the next goal on beer money. one of the things i spoke of tonight is how single cans and bottles of beer at liquor stores tend to cost about half as much as they do in the bars and clubs i performed in. one thing i have learned from the pandemic where i had to be willing to change my routine. 

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