Tuesday, May 25, 2021

script flipping

 i went to an open-mic tonight and even though i did not get stage time, it still led to some valuable material. i saw 2 friends perform- brawler, and yemen native- and when i went to say hi to the latter i was getting a hard time from another comic until i witnessed a script flipping and it led to me falling down laughing. so i said i will have to put it in my set sometime soon and report back how it went. there were others i enjoyed seeing there and hadn't seen in a while, it was my first time at this mic in over a year. i made it back to work after the day off and i found out it was a rough day for my colleague who had filled in for me. there was plenty of i.t. issues. it was a busy day for me throughout, but i didn't mind. looks like both items i really needed had arrived on monday, the inter-office envelopes and the sealing fluid. during my walks for the day i found 85 cents. 

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