Monday, May 31, 2021

wild child movie

 i watched a DVD movie around midday, 'wild child'. it was part of the disc that 'career opportunities' was on, a recent purchase through amazon. it is about a spoiled american teenager being sent to boarding school in england. i usually don't watch this kind of movie, but i liked it more than i expected to. it helps that the main character becomes more likeable throughout the course of the movie. hard to say what the main takeaway was for me. naturally a notable thing was the slight difference on verbiage between british and american english, but not much was lost on me there. i did like how it was more than just scenes in classes and the dormitories, as there were some from the lacrosse matches as well as going to find clothes in a resale shop. i researched this movie after seeing it, and it explains why i hadn't heard of it before. the wikipedia article said it was released to theaters in some nations, but not in north america, where it was 'direct to video'. this must explain why it was found 'doubled up' with another movie. 

i am thankful i stayed active despite having the day off for memorial day. i went to family dollar and got some things i needed, including bar soap and some trash bags. i also bought a DVD movie, 'nebraska', that i will have to watch sometime soon. and i went to walgreen to find lunch. it was a 'burger in a box', some chips, and the arnold palmer drink in a can. i also did a dry run on attending a meetup walk. i had been wait-listed but was promoted. it was at a state park, and it meant getting a parking permit. so i went to the office less than an hour before it closed to get one- a day pass. it was a small turnout for the walk, and there was nobody my age which made it a little harder to know what to talk about. i spoke about my line of work when asked about it, i was likely being asked by the event coordinator. during my walks for the day i found 1 dollar 12 cents. i did a virtual open-mic in the evening, the joke with the most reaction may have been the one about a doorbell or the one about turning down a bad offer. 

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