Sunday, May 30, 2021

informer movie

i watched a DVD movie this morning, a redbox rental, 'the informer'. i recognized common the rapper in it, he played an NYPD officer. this was a crime thriller, about an FBI informant being sent back to prison in hopes of bringing down a drug cartel fronted by the Polish mob. as is true in many other thrillers, not everybody is who they seem to be, and there is some double-crossing that happens along the way. the scene i my have liked the most was in an 'aquatic center' where the main character's wife was working. the new york cop was looking for information and then the wife said 'everybody claims to want to help but the opposite is true.' she blew off the cop, asking him to leave unless he plans on buying something. i think there are many who would say the same in that situation. the ending felt a little incomplete, but when i understand this movie is based on a book this may well be in line with the story in the novel as well.  

this was a day of errand running, and it meant going to check my post office box, three items were there to be picked up. i also got two sheets of stamps when i heard there will be a price increase soon. one was star wars droids and the other was animals, including a pig and a turkey. i also placed some more e-bay orders for stamps, when i got home. it was inspired by what was not available at the post office. one of them was the mayflower stamps, was told they were sold out even though there was one sheet still in the display case. next thing was the gas station, where i dumped the movie and got some lunch, a pretzel dog and some string cheese. there was another spring football game on after i had lunch, much like last week it was from rice stadium in houston, and the announcers did mention  one super bowl was played there long ago. i moved up going to aldi for my weekly grocery order so i could be home in time to watch the baseball game on fox, brewers-nationals was being shown. i didn't watch it that closely but the brewers won 6-2. i was doing some online research about some possible summer travels. i let a friend in st. louis know i would like to visit and will let them know when i have chosen a weekend. of course there was four main categories i was looking at- game ticket, plane ticket, hotel room, rental car. i also found out from my step-niece what weekend her graduation will be in august. in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 21 cents. 

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