Monday, May 17, 2021

rush to war documentary

 around midday i watched a DVD movie, a purchase from a while back, 'rush to war'. it was a documentary about the second iraq war. i reognized some of the people in it, such as then-senator mark dayton, who later became minnesota's governor. another one of note would be david garst, of the garst seed company. the credits said it was dedicated to him, as he had just died. even though it was just under 90 minutes, i didn't enjoy it as much as other movies i had seen, not sure why. after the movie was done i turned the TV to channel 45 as the st. paul saints baseball game was on, against the iowa cubs. the saints scored 3 in the first, and led for most of the game, but the i-cubs scored 8 in the 9th and the cubs won 8-3. i noticed how most of the commercials were the same, and the stadium's sponsors- CHS, Spire credit union, and treasure island resort and casino. after the game was done i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 81 cents. 'the simpsons' was about grandpa supposedly being a spy, and a brit finally finding him after 50 years. also of note about the day, before putting in the documentary, was getting more pages into sheet protectors. some of these were related to the recent covid vaccine. i also went through baseball items to confirm what i had for saints souvenirs, so i would have an accurate list when i attend the next game. i prefer to avoid buying what i already have. i do have one patch and 3 stickers, but this still leaves some others that i don't have yet and are available at the stadium's main souvenir shop. it was nice to get the dishes and recycle done early, as i started them earlier than usual, before the 10pm news started. the news had a segment about a book on minnesota baseball history. 

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