Saturday, May 22, 2021

promising young woman movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'promising young woman'. i recognized connie britton and molly shannon in it. it was about a medical school dropout that was living with her parents and working in a coffee shop. before starting this movie, i was aware of how the main character was on a revenge mission. this should have been a tip-off that i probably wouldn't like it as much as last week's selection, 'nomadland', and no i didn't like it as much. revenge is a powerful emotion, and one can be consumed by it, and the main character sure seemed to be consumed by it. i liked a line from molly shannon, who played her late friend's mom, telling her to move on. it was also sad that her love interest, a med-school classmate, was still interested despite her being 'a psycho'. she spits in his coffee, he still drinks it. she is seen at a bar with someone else, he doesn't care. she blackmails him, he still says he loves her. but in many ways this may not be too far from reality, sadly. where some people claim they don't want to be alone and can get desperate. she also visits the attorney that had worked her friend's case, and the college's dean, the latter after luring the dean's daughter into her car. the ending left me stunned, and this can be true of other thriller movies but not all of them. i wrote down many of the songs from the closing credits, which included 'angel of the morning', juice newton version. but also plenty of baroque and classical songs. even paris hilton has a song in this movie, and i didn't even know she did music. 

after the movie was done i got started on errand running. there was 3 items to pick up at the post office, and i spoke with the loopy employee while there. then i dumped the movie and got a sandwich at the gas station. i heard from brawler and hopefully there will be an event to attend soon. i moved up going to aldi for my weekly grocery order as i had a ticket for the st. paul saints baseball game in the evening. i sat in the general admission section, seats seemed a little sticky but i think that was from a sponsor they no longer have. the saints lost to indianapolis 5-1. after the game i went on a walk and found 37 cents. 

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