Wednesday, May 12, 2021

stomping on peanuts

 i went to the st. paul saints baseball game tonight, they were playing the iowa cubs. first game i had attended this season. when the mascot, madonna, arrived in the section i was in, peanuts were stomped on, peanuts bought by somebody who eventually returned. the mascot arrived with more peanuts later. it meant something to me on the opponent, as i grew up near des moines and saw plenty of i-cub games when i was young. i just wanted to see a good game, so i felt no sense of 'divided loyalties'. the saints won 6-1, aided by the long ball. they may have been solo shots, but it was enough. there will be more saints games to attend this season, already have tickets for 2 more. i ate before entering the stadium, finding a sandwich and chips at the nearby speedway gas station. i arrived early enough to get the promotion, the magnet schedule. i like having it, but saw somebody turn it down. 

after the game i went home and during my walk i found 96 cents. at work there was a meeting about the duplicated files, in the afternoon. i printed all of today's two largest files, still leaves the previous day. i was instructed to import those two before the end of the day. i moved up one day my weekly visit to walgreen due to the altered lunch schedule. 

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