Saturday, May 29, 2021

sigma means sum

 i was reading an online article about jokes on 'the simpsons' and was trying to translate one of them. i got it down to 'i ate sigma pie' and then had to research the greek letter 'sigma' and found out it can also mean 'sum' when used for math purposes. so it is actually 'i ate some pie, and it was delicious' and this is proof of the intelligent humor that exists on the show. the article also mentioned a seed and feed store formerly known as chuck's, saying this was a way of covering up swear words with the rhyme scheme. at work it was a fairly low-volume day, i spent some time writing out some things to look up related to possible travels this summer. some things i looked up because i had the time, but others had to wait because it was taking too long for one site to boot up. i am trying to justify some of these travels, understanding the cost involved, and it might be more justifiable if i do 6 months, no interest on paypal wherever possible. i have done it before. i had two people pick up checks just before lunch, in fact they were consecutive, which is rare. so the second colleague didn't have to ring the bell, which has been sounding like 'jingle bells' for a while now. the first picked up five, and the second picked up one.       

   during my walks in the evening i picked up 2 dollars 40 cents, plenty of it in quarters. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when penny had her friends write a history paper for her. it was followed by the one where the friends do a military project with a retinal access scanner. i went to hy-vee in eagan in the evening after watching the early news and first went to their liquor store and got two cans of beer. i have enough now for the next two weeks, three cans in all, that i will likely skip a week of buying anything in this category. i did pay attention, for a change, to prices of more than just single cans and bottles. i was wondering what the 6-pack prices were, and grain belt costs more than hamm's. the latter is definitely a bargain basement price at $6. i have enough for a 6-pack of either, so something to think about on my next purchase. in the grocery part i got my typical order, including some patriotic snack cakes from little debbie. it is memorial day weekend, though i was expecting to see this category of items only for the 4th of july. i also got a box of 'ghosbusters' cereal, made by general mills. it seemed odd to see most of it in a discount cart for a dollar a box. i had to research it and the movie's release has been delayed multiple times due to the pandemic, now on for november. it appears that one of those release dates had been june, so this explains why we were seeing the cereal. this is proof of how the pandemic is still very much in charge, although i saw some inside the store not wearing masks. of course due to the governor letting some guidelines expire as infection rates are down and more people have had vaccines. 

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