Tuesday, May 4, 2021

play money, a coin

recently i saw a coin that was play money next to some real coins. i picked up all of them, because i wanted a good look at the 'fake coin'. it was an imitation dime, no date on it and the image of FDR is close but not quite the same. i do see 'play money' in stores in the toy section from time to time. at work there was two meetings, the first being the team huddle. the second was the one on one with my boss. it stayed fairly busy for most of the day, of course it is a day of the week that tends to be high-volume. in addition, a supply order arrived, 30 boxes of envelopes. another supply order, with UPS, was placed last week and hasn't arrived yet. i called the number i found and was told it is best to order online. this ran counter to my training, but i am aware of how things can be subject to change. i was also informed of how UPS is experiencing high demand so this might explain why supply orders with them are taking longer. in the evening i went on a walk and found 37 cents. i also noticed some binders about literacy programs next to a dumpster and it made me think of a classmate who studied literacy programs. i watched one 'big bang theory' rerun, when amy goes on a date wit a brit and her friends decide to spy on her. once i found out the first one was when leonard meets up with a bully again, i changed the channel to the next one over, 'movies!' there was a john wayne movie on, 'rio lobo', so i watched it for a little while until i knew the second rerun would be on. 

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