Sunday, May 2, 2021

we're not fluffing around

 i bought some reese's peanut butter 'mallow top' treats this weekend, in the discount cart at hy-vee. the package said 'hop to it, we're not fluffing around'. it showed decorations on the treats, that weren't on the actual ones i ate. guess it was a suggestion for those who i wanted to decorate them before eating. there is a bunny head, a bag, and a basket on the three. 

this was an active day, and i was pleased with what i got done. first thing was to return a cart to the nearest target store. i had seen it in my neighborhood for a while. i loaded it into the back seat of my car, and when i arrived at the store i put some momentum behind it once the sliding doors opened and sent it in without going inside myself. after a little more time at home i went to drop off recycle near the capitol. when i was there it looked like it hadn't been picked up in a while, and it was nearly full once i had added the two week's worth for this visit. next stop was when i bought a fitted sheet for my bed at another target store, that i knew would have just what i needed. thankful some items are still sold this way as otherwise it would have meant getting a full sheet set. i saw a tear in the past week and as i've said before, 'we all know how this is going to end'. i got some hawaiian bread and chocolate milk there as well. after i had stripped the one off the bed that was being replaced, i looked at the label/tag and noticed it was the same brand name. it was no surprise that i had been to target for this same item before. it is minnesota after all, and this is where the retail chain is based, so their stores are everywhere. at a walgreen i got some sheet protectors. late in the afternoon i went on a walk and found 83 cents. i also slept off and on today, but i still got around to watching 'the simpsons', a christmas episode with maude, the wife of ned flanders. 

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