Sunday, February 25, 2018

pride of the yankees movie

i watched another baseball movie this afternoon, it was 'pride of the yankees', starring gary cooper as lou Gehrig. i had seen it before, but it had been a while. it was recorded from TV on a blank tape. there were some scenes that i didn't like, such as how he was treated at the fraternity house. but it either actually happened, or invented for dramatic effect as they were trying to sell a movie. some scenes in it were funny, such as the confusion about 'hartford' and 'harvard'. i liked how the ending was of his famous speech, 'luckiest man on the face of the earth'. this was from the july 4, 1939, day that honored him after having to retire due to ALS. i prefer bio-pics when it ends on a high note.
   i also did some mini golf at can can wonderland in st. paul. i had been there before, but this was the first time for golf. it was a group event and i liked the pizza that was ordered. i got some root beer for myself, better than just getting water. before that i made a nice find at a resale shop, two items. one was the soundtrack for the movie 'sweet dreams', i had just seen it this weekend. the other was the movie 'kansas' on DVD. i have it on VHS but i like replacing it with DVD whenever possible.

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