Tuesday, February 20, 2018

REM, singles collected

i made it to a resale shop i had been in before this afternoon, for the first time in a while. i was pleased with my findings there, and bought four items. one was a book, and the other three were CDs. for those who know me well, this will come as no surprise, as i do like media. besides books and CDs, i also like DVDs. the book was simpsons comics madness, and i already listened to one of the CDs. it was REM, singles collected. the other two i will get to soon. they are by regina spektor, and norah jones. i liked how the total was under seven dollars, tax included. i had an REM compilation already, but i think this one has more songs on it, as this one has 20. it includes a cover of 'king of the road', a hit when performed by roger miller. it does say some of them are 'edits', four in all. it explains why i noticed some missing lyrics on one in particular, it was 'end of the world'. i had seen this band in concert when i lived in suburban Chicago, when i lived there from 1998-2004. this song was the last one of the show, it was at an outdoor venue in the south suburbs, tinley park.
   i did more with job searching today, compared to the previous day, as of course Monday was the presidents day holiday. and i figured there was a chance that some places were going to the closed. i sent a resume to one agency, and when i was out doing things like printing at the library, and checking out the resale shop, they must have called. so i will have to try calling them in the morning. i watched another recently acquired DVD, it was 'lincoln' starring Daniel day-lewis. this was one of the two found at a family dollar, in sleeves instead of a plastic case. but i don't mind as it was cheaper. and i know i can still get a case later on if i so choose. it was why i looked up song lyrics this morning, as i spoke of it in a comedy set and realized the line was from a song.
   i performed at two different venues tonight, the first is where the 'extra murder' comic is the show runner. happy meal was there, he had recently been on vacation in japan and Taiwan. cul-de-sac is one of the show runners at the second, and some comics that went on before i did were annoyed with a table full of people near the stage wasn't paying attention at all. but i am used to it, where at some venues the crowd isn't always there to see a show.

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