Sunday, September 15, 2024

edward hopper art

 in the evening i was looking at the writers almanac entries from garrison keillor, and saw mention of edward hopper, the artist. i liked what i read and decided to search his work online. i had seen 'nighthawks' many times before but was unfamiliar with his other artworks. as i recall that one was in 'ferris bueller' as the friends go to the chicago art institute, where it is kept. recently i went to the walker art center in minneapolis for the keith haring exhibit, and a hopper painting is there as well, called 'office at night'. when i was looking online i said that one looked familiar. it led to me ordering a book about his artwork from amazon, free to me since i had some gift cards to use. as a stage performer i was impressed with how one of his paintings is called 'two comedians', guess that was his final painting. i do have a postcard of 'nighthawks' and i am aware of how it has been parodied often. there wasn't a lot to do for the day. i went to the post office in the morning, two orders picked up. had to go to the window as a card not for me came back, even after i wrote 'return to sender' on it. then it was on to the copy store, an event ticket and some reservations were printed. then it was midday and time to have a sandwich at jersey mike's. i turned on the TV to some college football but didn't watch much of it, notre dame thumped purdue, i laid down pretty early and fell asleep. in the early evening i went to get groceries at aldi. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 65 cents. 

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