Wednesday, September 11, 2024

waiting for parts

 i saw an email forwarded to me near the end of the workday and it said my move to a downtown office has been delayed, again. transition team said we are waiting for HVAC parts that are not due to arrive until october, so i am told i may not be moving there until december. not a big deal for me to be at my current location a little longer. two other notable things about the day. one was a call from a hotel in canada, and i let them know if changes need to be made to a check to contact customer service. good chance i was contacted because i overnighted it to them. then there was an email in the shared box that my vacation replacement handled. something about a stop payment or a void request on a check. response was that the business line has to do it themselves, even if their boss is out of the office at this time. it got a laugh out of me when my colleague compared it to something ridiculous. i watched the presidential debate tonight on ABC, held in philadelphia, although it was like too many other debates that i have seen. not much of substance was covered, there was plenty of arguing, and the fact checkers were having a field day. later on i went on a walk and found 2 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon went to the 'zone zone'. it was followed by the one where sheldon ends up in arizona after his sabbatical of riding the rails. 

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