Friday, September 13, 2024

stray pallet jack

 when i was out for a walk i noticed a pallet jack, nothing on it, just looking like a stray. i got a picture of it. i have used these before at work and there has to be a good story as to how it ended up there. i see all kinds of things while out walking but wasn't expecting this at all. mostly i see trash, and maybe a grocery store cart. at work my boss was in the office, but left after about a half day, due to gout acting up. it was explained shortly after noticing his walking with a limp. i said my college roommate has had it and said it was painful, wanted to cut his toe off but didn't. i had seen these emails before about working from home due to gout, first time i had witnessed it. there was a dial-in meeting mid-morning with mail services, some questions were answered then and with an email later on. but not all. a contact was given about a lockbox for tax checks at the next facility. the other question was about where to send the mail tubs at the end of the day. already had a question answered earlier about where the UPS box is. as for running checks through the machine, i reduced the backlog a little more. i had hoped to eliminate it but there were other things competing for my attention such as dealing with test checks, sending them to canada, something my boss wanted done. and there was plenty of overnight labels to do. i noticed the toner cartridge needs replacement and i put up a note at the end of the day to swap it out the next day. i had some labels printed by the check printer because there was a streak in the middle where it was faded. i drank the can of bud ice with the evening meal so now three beers are waiting. during my walks i found 77 cents. 

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