Thursday, September 5, 2024

you gotta believe movie

 after work i went to see a movie, 'you gotta believe', about the little league world series. normally i don't do events after work, but looked at fandango and it appeared the number of screenings this weekend was limited. saw it in st. louis park, where i have seen a film festival before. as a baseball fan i wanted to support a baseball movie. thin crowd at this screening, i was one of just three. it got a 'single but loud ha' out of me four times. one thing in it i knew wasn't real, the Ichiro Suzuki baseball card. as it said 'Seattle outfield' and not his name. scenes from Fort Worth, Texas, where this team was from reminded me of visiting this metro-plex when i was in town for the state fair and a football game at the cotton bowl. didn't notice the music in it much, but i stayed for the closing credits as usual. it listed plenty of songs credited to Mike McCready. an online article was found, and it did say 'the pearl jam guitarist' did contribute music to the movie, but apparently some of it was instrumental. i prefer songs with lyrics, might have been why i didn't notice the music in it much. i bought a sandwich from the nearby cub foods grocery store and ate it before i went inside the cinema. along with some lacroix water and what looked like twinkies but made by bimbo instead of hostess. i still had a craving for popcorn, likely due to being at a movie theater. my next stop was downtown st. paul, for a box of popcorn at Candyland. i walked around downtown and ended up near the saints stadium, but the game had already ended. then i went past a pizza place, looked inside the window to check for single slice prices, but the place had closed for the night. some patrons offered me a slice of sausage pizza, wasn't going to turn that down. one of them was wearing a jimmy eat world shirt, a band i had seen in concert, so we talked about music some. he spoke a lot of cannon falls. a man and his daughter were there, from eastern Canada. a memorable night, guess it is a reminder of how sometimes the best memories are from events not planned out that far in advance. at work i helped bring both of the big supply orders in. first was the check stock, then i saw the envelopes in the branch area. an upset customer was talking to the branch manager, i said nothing and just went about my business, moving out the boxes. during my walks i found 52 cents. 

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