Monday, September 16, 2024

seconds movie

 there were three events for me for the day, and the third was a classic movie at the trylon cinema in south minneapolis, it was 'seconds'. this was a sci-fi and thriller movie from 1966. i wanted to see it due to who stars in it, as i had heard of john randolph, and rock hudson. although i was more familiar with the former, who had played dads on the tv show 'family ties' and then the movie 'christmas vacation'. the latter, i mainly knew him for being name-checked in a song from the movie 'grease'. shortly after the movie ended, i said it was a weird one. it was about a man who decides to assume a new identity, except he doesn't adapt to it all that well. i liked how the opening scene was from grand central station in new york city, a place i have been to before. and it was cool to see an early ford mustang car in it, which would have been new when the movie was filmed. i already plan on getting back to this cinema soon, in a week. the first event of the day was massage therapy, in edina. it was moved back a day, was called and was told how the therapist was unavailable so i had to reschedule. i had done massage therapy before, but not much in recent years as i have cut spending across the board. hard to say if i will return to this place as there was too much of a sales pitch on this first visit. i am not signing up for a membership. event two was my first booya- vegetable beef soup- of the season, at a park in st. paul. the vikings football game was on when i arrived, and they went on to win over the 49ers. i bought one cup of booya, and a man i didn't know gave me another one although i noticed it must have been sitting out for a little while as it was lukewarm. i still finished both though. then i went home for a short time, and when i went out again it was to the cinema. in the evening after i ate i took a long walk around the neighborhood. during my walk i found 53 cents. i also bought a can of schell's at the liquor store near me, so now there are four beers waiting. when i was doing dishes later on i noticed one of the corelle bowls was cracked, so i replaced it with the plastic cardinals nacho bowl i picked up in st. louis this season. the bowl looks a lot like the st. paul saints bowl i have been using for over a year. 

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