Tuesday, September 17, 2024

elephant keychain

 many years ago, my 'ohio friend' gave me a plush elephant keychain, found at FAO schwarz. for some reason i looked inside the bag it was in tonight and decided to move it to a place i would see it more often, making it a christmas tree ornament. i once kept it at the office, at a former job. i value most things given by friends because i like the reminder of who gave it. i must have been thinking of recent online orders placed, and a few more of interest to me. i have some plush met life snoopys in that same bag and just ordered another one. it was nice that the overnight package volume was low, although the number of checks for our tax specialist stayed high. branch manager at lunch spoke with a colleague how a bank employee from another office asked to use a conference room in our facility, and of course we have plenty to use. especially after most of the employees assigned to this building were moved to another one. as i recall, there are eleven conference rooms. in the evening i went to perform, and went on after the wild guitar player, who did 'house of the rising sun' and hallelujah'. i did some bank stories, as well as covering how there was plenty to do on sunday. later on, i went on a walk and found 25 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the scientists from the fermi lab went on the 'ellen' show. it was followed by the one where the dudes try to work, then end up watching 'ghostbusters'. the ladies go to las vegas, where penny studies while amy and bernadette get drunk. 

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