Sunday, September 13, 2020

the layover movie

 i watched a DVD movie around midday, 'the layover'. i recognized molly shannon in it, but she had a small role. it is about two friends wanting to fly to florida and spend time at the beach, but they are diverted to st. louis due to a hurricane. i found out from watching the closing credits that it does not appear to have been filmed in st. louis, but vancouver, canada. stock footage of the downtown area was used, including the arch, busch stadium, and the old courthouse. the friends are competing for the same man, who was on the same flight as they were. eventually it becomes a road movie as the friends end up getting a ride in a lincoln in hopes of making it to their destination. it was a farce, especially once it becomes a road movie. one of them is a teacher, and is teaching the book 'lord of the flies' to her students. also part of the story is a jewelry and jeweler convention that is happening at the same hotel. 

in the afternoon i did laundry and went on a walk after it was done, and picked up 13 cents. i watched some of the pro football games today, but not a lot. there was packers-vikings, then bucs-saints. 

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