Friday, October 30, 2020

a bent fork

 after work tonight i went to a music shop and picked up a copy of city pages. there was a bent fork on the cover. i was expecting it to say 'so long' or 'farewell' but it didn't. so it must have been a sudden thing to shut down the publication, when there was no 'obit' in there, just an article by the star tribune, its owner. i looked at the masthead and the 'extra murder' comic was still listed as an employee, although on facebook he said he had been furloughed since april. the journalist who had interviewed me said he had written for them as well, and shared an article about going to a porn convention in las vegas in 2008. i am thankful i picked it up and didn't wait long as i am a big believer in 'get while the getting is good'. i went inside the entry-way to pick it up and then i left, if i want to go inside and look around at their merchandise i can do that when i have more time budgeted. i also have the edition from 2015 where turtle check was on the cover, and he signed it. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when there was halloween costumes mocking sheldon, and then howard and bernadette. it was followed by when priya bought clothes for leonard. and sheldon was trying hard to figure out howard's card trick. i went on a walk in the evening and found 35 cents. at work there was a long meeting in the early afternoon, slated for 90 minutes but it ran over. i was still working during that time, as i was printing checks and making UPS labels. one of the nice things about it being a 'dial-in' as i still could keep working. 

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