Sunday, October 11, 2020

credit card system down

 i tried to make a phone payment on my credit card tonight and the system was down. the only way i was able to talk to somebody with a pulse was to saw my card was lost or stolen. and i was told i am given another day to pay without any late fee penalties. i tried to get through with online banking as well, but i don't know if i have an account set up there. so it meant working on other things for now, and try again in the morning. 

  there wasn't much on my list of things to do today, since the errands were done on saturday. i watched a charlie brown DVD i recently ordered from amazon. it was the 1970s collection. it had two specialson it that i finally have on DVD, 'play it again' and 'it's a mystery'. in both cases, it said it was the first time for both in this format. it was midday by then, so i watched some of the pro football games on TV. it was raiders-chiefs for the opener, raiders trailed for a while but won by 8. cowboys-giants was the second game on that network, CBS, but i had the urge to get outside. so i went on a long walk and found 37 cents. i watched 'the simpsons' in the evening, although i am not sure who all of the artists were. one of them was french and his instructor was beheaded when france had royalty, so probably not cezanne. the others were named- leonardo davinci, diego rivera and his wife frida, and vincent van gogh. after this i laid down and fell asleep for a while. i am proud of what i did for a while this afternoon while watching football. it was getting more cards that were filed away in a bag in a box, into some photo albums. much like earlier, it meant deciding to take some cards out, so seven more were sent to the shred box to make room in the albums. but i still file it under 'stressing quality'. or in the case of one slot now open, wanting space for a postcard i just ordered this weekend. it was of the bus station in minneapolis, now the music venue known as first avenue.  actually it was no big deal to toss some of these cards, as three of those twelve this weekend were duplicates. and i know why, it was a holdover from when i decided to send the duplicate to the office. of course that is an office i am no longer in. and some other things were moved to the box that has baseball souvenirs. 

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