Sunday, October 18, 2020

ava movie

 this morning i watched a DVD movie, a redbox rental, 'ava'. it is about an assassin. i recognized john malkovich and colin farrell, as well as geena davis, in it. there was a castmember credited as 'common', i correctly guessed it was a rapper. with a one-word name like that it was a good guess. i liked how it showed more than just the assassin being on the job. there were plenty of scenes showing the 'down time' as well, especially in her hometown of boston. it involved seeing her sister, a musician, as well as her mom (played by geena davis) who is in the hospital. the funniest thing to me was when she went to a gambling den and there were porta-pottie doors to go through from the alley. not just how it was a good cover, but also the company being called 'CPR'- clean portable restrooms. there are also scenes showing her at alcoholics anonymous meetings. of course there is a body count, at one point she admits to being paid to kill 41 people. i liked how it held my attention throughout, but when it is the customary 90 minutes this helps. but it also comes down to 'the thrill of the chase'- we kind of expect to see the assassin finish the job and escape, but we still want to see how it gets to the end result. also odd how one character in it, part of the assassin ring, never talks or hardly ever does. we first see her eavesdropping when the assassin is handling her first job, after picking up somebody in a range rover from a paris airport. i like how this was another cheap rental, under a dollar, because of a discount code from redbox. 

this of course was an errand running day. besides returning the movie to the gas station i also made it to the post office, there was one item to pick up. i tried watching some of the college football on TV but wasn't too interested in it. i had other things i wanted to do so i didn't watch for long. if it isn't my school playing, the iowa hawkeyes, then it is hard for me to be interested. the hawkeyes haven't started their season just yet, but next weekend they will. i also went on a walk and found 31 cents. i did check the art near the dumpster and some of it was still there after getting back from errand running. but when i first walked by, somebody was looking at it. hard to tell what they were doing, but it looked like they were taking a wire off of the back of the frame. looks like they claimed some of it. when i passed by the second time, back from getting something out of my car, they were gone. the oil tanker artwork was claimed, but the other one i noticed- about pelicans- was still there. it served as a good use of puns- 'peer' and 'pier' pressure. also still there was one of a wolf, another of a tiger. i reviewed my camera and it looks like the pictures from the previous night looked just fine. so i still have a reminder of what the oil tanker artwork looked like. it was too dark to tell if the pictures were too dark. i checked the scores online for the baseball playoffs, the rays won their series 4-3 and the other other one, dodgers-braves, is tied 3-3. so there will be a game to watch on fox sunday night. 

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