Wednesday, October 21, 2020

when the way gets dark, lucinda williams

 when i was driving home after work today i had my car radio on and i liked hearing a song by lucinda williams, found out it was called 'when the way gets dark'. it is a song that offers hope. the most memorable lyrics when i first heard it was 'don't give up, take my hand'. when hearing it again on youtube i also liked was 'hang on tight, don't be afraid, you have the reason to carry on, never alone'. it is on an album called 'good souls, better angels' and apparently it was just released earlier this year. i still recall well the first time i heard lucinda williams, it was at the downtown st. paul post office, and the song was 'essence'. the sultry voice was a lasting impression, and eventually i saw lucinda in concert at first avenue in minneapolis in 2014. 

in the evening i went on a walk and found 75 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when sheldon and amy were married. i liked seeing penny stand up to amy's mom when the mom had doubts about it. of course there was a big name guest star in it, mark hamill as the wedding officiant. it was followed by the one where the friends went to big sur, and penny gets moved to the second car because she wanted people to stand up to sheldon, the 'travel supervisor'. work was really busy, getting caught up on check printing and repairmen were in the check shop. now the 'expansion tray' is on the alternate printer and i am told the parts are being overnighted. no choice but the re-route all printing, but hopeful that both printers are running again soon. i was told there was likely a blown fuse when the new parts were put in. i also watched the world series, game 2. rays beat the dodgers 6-4. at times i took a break from it. first was to watch the season premiere of 'the conners' on ABC. the second time was for the walk. it helped that the rays scored first, on a home run in the first inning. 

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