Monday, October 5, 2020

beavis and butthead movie

 i watched a DVD movie this morning, 'beavis and butthead do america'. i liked that the voice-over actors were names i recognized, as they had bruce willis, demi moore, and cloris leachman. it was much like other 'dimwit' movies i have seen, as it was a farce. alomg with how being dumb gets them in a jam, and out of a jam. they go to las vegas, the hoover dam, grand canyon, and yellowstone before reaching the nation's capital. i watched some of the special features, and much like many of the others i was mainly interested in the theatrical trailers. i watched some of the pro football games as well, starting off with chargers vs. the bucs. chargers got a pick-6, my favorite play of the game, and led when i went to do laundry, but i found out they eventually lost. the second game was colts-bears, and the bears lost 19-11. the bears game was listed in the paper as 12noon but it may have been moved back due to a game being moved to monday- patriots vs. chiefs- due to both teams having some positive covid tests. during my walks i found 12 cents. i fell asleep for a while in the early evening but woke up in time to hear the segment on '60 minutes' with comedian jerry seinfeld. there was mention of his being inspired by seeing the world's fair in new york city in 1964. in the morning i returned the rental car, but it was more of a chore than expected. i like filling up at the airport gas station just before returning it, but i found out it was closed. so i had to find another gas station, farther away.  

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