Tuesday, August 6, 2024

flamenco show

 tonight after work i went to the flamenco show at the fringe festival, venue was the southern theater. it was raining before the show and after it. i put this one on my list after reading the emails sent out by the festival saying it was a last-minute replacement. the acrobatics in it was good, and so was the singing even though i didn't know the language. in one scene two dance partners acted out a bullfight, with the lady playing the bull. i think the lights went out just before the show began, when i was going up the stairs to the showroom. then shortly after that the lights were back on, auxiliary lights i guess. i found a meal at the nearby bobby and steve's, not hot sandwiches available at the time so i chose a roast beef from the cooler. i ate the sandwich, chips, and cookies in my car after parking in a ramp near the venue. at work the most notable thing was a request to overnight nine checks from the fargo file, thankfully all going to the same place. those were already marked as such, but when i get an email then i know who wants the tracking number when it is ready. during my walks i found 21 cents. 

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