Sunday, August 4, 2024

music by skippy

 i took a lot of pictures throughout the day, the last one was of a button on a sash that said 'music by skippy'. i found it in an apron i used for collecting tokens while ushering at the fringe festival. it was my first shift of the day, at the barker building at the u. of minnesota. the second shift was at the round theater. while at the round an attendee recognized me and i asked if she has a show this year, found out it will be at mixed blood. i gave out programs at this second show, at the end of the night. i waited a little while to get back to my car due to the rain as i didn't want to get soaked. i attended one show in the afternoon, it was silly miss tilly's show at the southern theater. it was based on a true story from her experiences as a karaoke jockey at cancan wonderland in st. paul. after this show i had a beer, a can of schell's. after my first ushering shift was done i went to bobby and steve's and ate a godfather's pizza, then went home on the light rail. there was a three-hour gap between ushering shifts and i wanted to rest up a little. now i have completed the three ushering shifts i signed up for and can look forward to seeing shows for the rest of the festival, there is eight days left. sounds like i have four credits left on my card and i have found four shows of interest to me. the day started off with having pancakes at canadian days in little canada. there was no orange drink from mcdonald's so i chose a small bottle of water to go with the pancakes. i knew well enough to arrive early, to get a parking spot at the nearby school and get in line before it got really long since the 5-k run had just ended. i was done well before the bagpipe band started playing, and i yelled out a song request, 'scotland the brave', and the show runner heard me and said when it was next. this made my day and i laughed a lot. then it was on to their car show. there was a car from some of those new york cop shows, including 'blue bloods'. i also liked seeing some of those older cars as usual, including a packard, kaiser frazer, studebaker, and a willys. at midday i had a sandwich at jersey mike's and another patron said i looked like some interviewer of rock stars, i said i had heard worse before. then on to aldi for groceries, and then my day at fringe began. first session i ride3 the light rail there, second session i drove there and parked at a ramp near the venue. during my walks i found 27 cents. 

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