Friday, August 30, 2024

learn to partner dance

 a dance studio opened up nearby and during my walk i saw a foldable sign near it saying 'learn to partner dance'. unsure when i will get to this studio, but i did take some dance classes in college. a friend heard and said 'don't get frustrated'. at work the boss did a one on one in the morning and left before midday. no word yet on when my move downtown will happen. i had questions besides that one but that was an important one to me. oshkosh business one wanted me to send out four checks for them, at first i had just two overnight labels and had to prompt them to send the other two. there was two ad-hoc files for tax checks, noticed one of them had another office as the return address. a senior leader called me near the end of the day and said it is not to go to our tax specialist. i will hear more soon about what to do with it but can't overnight it to a po box. i drank the hofbrau with the evening meal, then got a hamm's and a lift bridge at the nearby liquor store, so no five beers are waiting. during my walks i found 36 cents. 

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