Saturday, August 31, 2024

gift cards and comics

 after my workday ended i saw two comics. one is a show runner for a mic a sometimes perform at, i was next to where i work and talking to who picks up the mail. then i went to a target and got gift cards and at the customer service counter was a comic helping me with it. i know her as wolf's lady friend. this was just after i had been to the caribou where i got a blueberry muffin and a pumpkin spice latte. then after i was done at target i went to jersey mike's for a sandwich. all three of these establishments were in the same general area. then i went home. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when sheldon and howard went to texas and sheldon confronts his mom and is told to go to his room. at work i felt good about staying ahead of the game, some business lines were sending their check files early likely due to the holiday. it meant i could get started and finished earlier on creating the overnight labels. there were fewer to do as well. then i am called in the early afternoon by the dude who picks up the mail tubs, and was told there was a blue company envelope that should have been with the tubs at midday. i said i was probably leaving a little earlier than typical, might not be there when you arrive at the end of the day. well i was just about to leave, just got out of the bathroom, when i noticed the dude arrived. then i said i wanted to get the cart back inside the shop once it was emptied. during my walks i found 1 dollar 2 cents. 

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