Saturday, August 24, 2024

summit brewing, meetup

 this evening i went to a meetup event, it was at summit brewing in st. paul. i had been in that general area before but had not been off the main road where it is, turning at the port authority sign. i was running a little late, wanting to get caught up on emails after work. i stayed longer than i thought i would, but it helped that i spoke with a dude that is a technical writer, mostly about music. it led to me writing down to look up two things, when he spoke a lot about smashing pumpkins. one was what DVD i had by that band, i knew i had bought a used copy from a cheapo location. the other was a documentary, likely available on youtube. when i arrived i got a beer, it was a twins pilsner, and i had to get assertive with someone at the bar, saying 'keep your opinions to yourself'. thankfully it got way better after that. a dude saying he was a saxophone player was part of the conversation with the technical writer. i did see a younger man there that i recognized from previous events, claims to be a lawyer and said he was there to meet a lady but is attracted to women that aren't interested. i didn't enjoy this dude from earlier events, was making a big deal about age differences and cared too much about being right all of the time. thankfully this time i didn't see him until the end of the time allotment. i did get an offer to go to an after party but i turned it down as i wanted to go grocery shopping at hy-vee. as expected, a thin crowd at the grocery store when i go, the way i like it. nine items were bought. at work it was the first day back after a day off, thankfully not too much was waiting for me. i did hear how my vacation replacement got a big check file near the end of the day, explaining why there was a tub nearly full of checks when i arrived. i saw a spike in volume in some check files, but not quite as much as the thousand-plus that my colleague did. this meant a fourth tub was needed for all that went out at the end of the day. late in the evening i went on a walk and found 1 dollar 55 cents. the 'big bang theory' rerun was when raj and howard went to a rock show with bert, replacements for amy. 

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