Friday, August 23, 2024

the definers, the defined

 i spent the day at the minnesota state fair, and much like before i capped it with a visit to the fine arts building. as i was about to leave i spoke of what art i liked and an employee said there was one she really liked, and i got a second look at it. the image was an open book and seeing some flipped pages, but the words on it meant even more to me. it was 'definitions belong to the definers, not the defined'. i said i reminded me of a subtitled line in the movie 'wayne's world', which was 'if you label me, you negate me.' i liked some others that depicted pretty ladies, as well as businesses such as eating establishments or even one that reminded me of 'tin man' from 'wizard of oz'. and there was the music that will help with remembering the day. near some rides it was alessia cara's 'stay'. research gives co-credit for that song, also to a DJ known as 'zedd'. as i was leaving it was jo dee messina's 'bye bye'. and in the middle, it was a cover band doing johnny cash's 'orange blossom special', and near it at o'gata's there was a bagpiper and a drummer. i liked how the small number of souvenirs i had fit into my jacket pocket, besides a few flyers and the fairgrounds map it included three postcards. one was from the newspaper museum, i had skipped a year or two there but thankful i made it back. the statue of liberty poem was on this one. the other two were bought at the territorial pioneers building, stopped there with the retired postal worker when it was raining. we met up with his lady friend, who also volunteers at fringe festival, and later on with his daughter, who had plenty of tats and seemed worried about his drinking. i used up the quarters i had from taking carts back to a grocery store, at the giant slide and then the 'all you can drink' milk place. i liked finding some of the charlie brown statues, knowing from previous visits where some of them were. along with crop art inspired by charlie brown characters, mostly snoopy. and there was postcards on display, in a building i stopped at on the way to 4-h (which has a lucy statue). some were linen postcards i had bought from e-bay. found the st. paul saints at fan central, had some ice cream after the giant slide. had a burger at ballpark cafe when i found the meetup dude, later on had a pork chop. capped the night with a funnel cake and bottled water. thankful i got started a little earlier on getting home compared to last year, knowing i would have to take a bus downtown and then transfer. found out a grocery store on this route has closed, i had been to it before but it had been a while. in the morning before i got started i got a breakfast sandwich at mcdonald's, then found 37 cents on my walk. 

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