Tuesday, August 20, 2024

pdf check delay

 there were some PDF check files at work, but not as many as usual. there was two in the morning, then at midday there was an email saying there would be a delay. i am used to two i-pay files, one at that time and one near the end of the day but saw only one and it was at the end of the day but labeled as the midday file. i can only print and send out what i actually get. there was also a request to send two checks that normally go back to oshkosh out to the listed recipients. i was sent the overnight labels for both but just one had an invoice to send with it. vacation replacement had questions because of wanting to stay in the loop due to filling in for me later this week. one was about who gets a low-volume check file when it prints. in the afternoon i took a call from an insurance agent and i am closing in on getting car insurance set up with another provider. i was informed what information is still needed, such as odometer, loss payee, and method of payment, and this will be handed off when i am called the next morning. i feel confident that shopping around led me to the best deal available. i went to perform in the evening and spoke of looking for insurance, the voting precinct, bank stories, and attending a concert. later on i went on a walk and found 25 cents. i went to a picnic after work although i barely knew most of the people there. 

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