Tuesday, July 14, 2020

final car payment

i called the credit union this morning while i was having i.t. issues and inquired about my car loan. the quarterly statement arrived over the weekend and it confirmed how the loan wasn't paid off yet. i was expecting the final payment to be in june, but i guess they were a little off on the interest and the final payment is this month. it will be just under 11 dollars, and once the balance is zero there will be a lien release. i also asked about their branches, and they are open to the public. so i have a place where i can turn in change, and dump it into my savings account. i was required to have a savings account to get the loan. so i have another place to stop at for errand running this weekend, along with getting more shirts for work at jc penney. another place would be to get a festival button in little canada. their festival, canadian days, is coming soon. i went onto facebook and found out they are selling buttons at least, even if the actual festival may not be happening this year due to the virus. five places are listed, one of them is the town hall. i will try the gas station and hardware store that is listed, the other two are a bar and a pizza place.
   at work things went fairly smoothly once the i.t. issues were out of the way. i was advised to re-boot, and this worked although i didn't like having to do that so early in the day because i hadn't even been in any of the apps yet. the boss had a vacation day, so there was no team huddle. in the evening i went on a walk and picked up 57 cents. i did a virtual open-mic and i had a question from the flautist after it about the man i saw face-down in the grass, but it wasn't the same location where she had decided to call 911. the 'big bang theory' rerun was the first of two parts on the final episode, where sheldon and amy win the nobel prize.

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