Thursday, July 2, 2020

signed by void

there was a dial in meeting about test checks to be printed out, and I noticed it was signed by 'void void'. confusing at times as to what was priority, as i was getting inundated with emails about it, being added to the meeting 3 minutes after its scheduled start. in the afternoon there was plenty of 'real checks' to print and i had to ask which one was more important. so i decided on doing the real checks because it sounded like there was no agreement on what to do with the test checks. one of the trainers was in for under two hours, had a half-day. i got my questions answered about what to do with the unusual incoming mail. she said a lady in another office can be condescending. it was hard to tell at times what was relevant to me on the dial-in meeting, not the first time i said this as to why i was included on a meeting. i tried going back to the test checks at the end of the day but couldn't get logged in, had been to that system only once. so i will try again in the morning. also didn't help that there was a late request to find a check, it arrived more than 30 minutes past the deadline for these kind of special requests. so sadly we seem to be at everybody's 'beck and call'. i still couldn't get out of the office on time as i wanted to see that all of the overnights were done, envelopes closed. and that the figures on the spreadsheet matched up as well. trying hard on time management but when things are unpredictable it is hard to do. 
   in the evening i did a walk and found 36 cents. i did a virtual open-mic and was the only performer besides the moderator. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when howard's mom died, followed by when william shatner and kareem abdul-jabbar were guest stars as members of a dungeons and dragons game hosted by wil wheaton. 

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