Wednesday, July 1, 2020

not in oregon

at work there was a request for a courier pickup on a check, except it was from an employee in oregon. i am not in oregon, and the trainer was contacted by IM and i was advised to call as to what they wanted done. so it was decided, in a call lasting about 10 minutes, that the check be overnighted to the recipient, in the los angeles area. it was a high volume day for doing overnight labels, 35 in all. it was up from 18 on tuesday. the repairman was there waiting for me in the morning, so i went in and the morning scan was done after he was shown the machine. i was told that a screw was loose in one area, and the solution for the other was using different envelopes. some mention of what the humidity can do to them, so on the huddle it was mentioned about the thermostat. so i did lower it to 70, as that is what was recommended on the posting next to it on the wall. he was in and out in under an hour, and the machine was tested, just had to print a file of checks first. found out my choice on how to send the over a million check backfired, as there was an email asking for a tracking number. it was from somebody different than who i chatted with the previous day. eventually my boss's boss stepped in and said 'i am a rookie, we will take care of it'. i had asked some questions but if they wanted it overnighted wasn't one of them. 
   in the evening after i ate i went on a walk and picked up 2 cents. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when amy wrote a book about time travel, followed by bernadette doing a simulation of being weightless in space. on the walk i liked finding a fountain, so of course that meant getting a picture of it. a man was walking his dog when i was there. 

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