Wednesday, July 22, 2020

looking for worms

when i made it home after work i saw a man that asked me where to find worms. i said some stores sell them. then i saw him trying to dig for worms. also mentioned was how i seem to see them when it rains. and how they are sometimes known as night crawlers. i just wanted to get inside and didn't want to ask things like what he wanted them for.
   looks like i am doing some overtime this weekend, on saturday. this is what was said at our morning huddle. notable was how my boss's boss sent an I.M. asking me to let somebody into the building just as the huddle was starting, was told they had forgot their badge. at the end of lunch i decided to call the st. paul saints about my ticket order for this weekend, and found out it was no big deal to to change the order for me. i wanted to check the weather report first and i have until friday to change the order. sounds like it is kind of open-ended at this point, about when i go into work that day, so it may be best to just move it back to sunday although saturday evening still might work for the baseball game. aside from that, it was a busy day at work but things flowed well. there was just one hiccup on the printer, and i don't mind having to reprint a check as long as it doesn't happen too often. there was a request to find a check after it was stuffed and placed in a tub, a duplicate of one that was to be overnighted. it didn't take too long to find it, an educated guess about where to look was helpful.
   in the evening i went on a walk and found 3 cents. the oldest penny of the three was the cleanest, go figure. the 'big bang theory' reruns were when the friends took up a fencing class, followed by when penny's friend from back home hooks up with howard.

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