Thursday, January 4, 2018

professional references requested

i stayed busy today. went to meet with another temp agency, and dropped off a copy of ID at the one from the previous day. it was midday by then. i had a quick lunch from a holiday gas station, then on to a job fair. after i got back i saw an email that arrived in the morning, apparently just after i left for the first meeting, requesting professional references. so is the end in sight on the job search? i responded and said i will have to search for phone numbers if they need them. never needed phone numbers for my former managers, they are linkedin contacts now. looks like they are willing to be references for me. and i heard from a senior leader as well, i was testing the number i still had. notable about the job fair was seeing somebody in a target windbreaker jacket. they made eye contact like they had seen me perform before, found out they are a recruiter. we did speak about what target would have available. i also liked talking to somebody who was from a foodservice company for the airlines, which may have something in my field at the airport. this was unexpected, but you never know until you talk to people. i liked what she said about being marketable, and how it is a good idea to avoid getting discouraged as some temp agencies aren't worth my time. she said i should be just watching TV and waiting for the offers to roll in. well it hasn't been that easy so far.
   i performed in the evening, and got some peanut butter cookies at a nearby super-America after the show. still cold out there, zub-zero. not much fun walking in it.

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